
Royal Visit to Rutland Water

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh’s Historic Visit to Rutland On Tuesday14 May 2024 the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh made their inaugural visit to Rutland, a historic event centered around the unveiling of England’s first permanent memorial to Queen Elizabeth II. This visit not only honored the late Queen but also celebrated Rutland’s rich […]

Northern Lights at Rutland Water

On Friday night, Rutland Water experienced a rare and spectacular display of the Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, due to an unusually intense geomagnetic storm. This storm was part of a larger solar event tied to the peak of the solar cycle, which heightened auroral activity globally. Our guests, Maggie and Craig, captured stunning photos […]

Summer Update!

Hello from Rutland Water and what finally seems to be Summer! The gardens are in full bloom now and the evenings are warm and long – perfect! Thankfully the cottages were built in the 1840’s and the thick stone walls do keep the cottages cool in the Summer months. It was lovely to see Edith […]

Northern Lights at Rutland Water

On Sunday night, we were treated to an amazing display of the Northern Lights over Rutland Water! The Northern Lights are never normally seen in the UK and being able to see them in Rutland was such a treat! The display was beautifully captured by Jamie Hassall. Jamie runs Rutland Photography Workshops and offers photography […]

Preparations for 2023!

We are busy making the most of our quieter season by making preparations for next year. Today we took a visit to Rutland Nursery to see their amazing bulb festival and stock up on bulbs (especially Snowdrops!) to plant ready for the Spring. The team were so helpful in offering planting advice so fingers crossed […]

Airflo National Championship 2023 at Rutland Water

The Entry Form for the Airflo Open Championship Heats is now live on the Airflo Website and there is a heat and the grand final at Rutland Water! If you wish to participate in the Airflo Open Championship in 2023, get your entry in via the online form here. There is a qualifying heat at […]

Discover Rutland Spring Summer Guide 2022

Discover Rutland have launched their Spring Summer Visitor Guide which is available to read here It’s full of an array of things to see an do if when visiting Rutland over the next few months, including useful ‘diary dates’ and well worth a read. If you are planning a visit to Rutland, why not stay […]

Global Birdfair 2022

Following the announcement from the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust that it would no longer host the British Birdfair, we were delighted to hear that the event will still continue in a new format, location and name. The festival will bring together wildlife conservationists, representatives of nature travel, birders and natural history enthusiasts from all […]

Ichthyosaur: Huge fossilised ‘sea dragon’ found at Rutland Water

The fossil of an enormous 10 meter long sea dragon has been unearthed on the banks of Rutland Water. It has been described as one of the greatest finds in the history of British palaeontology. The ichthyosaur is about 180 million years old and measures about 10 metres in length and weighs about a tonne. […]

‘The joys of England’s smallest county’

Our little county of Rutland has received lots of fabulous press coverage over recent weeks. The latest is from the Daily Mail called ‘The joys of England’s smallest county: It doesn’t have any cities (or motorways) and most can’t even point to it on a map. But we’re bowled over by the simple pleasures of […]